Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do Not Worry

     My dad, completely not knowingly, gave me a really sweet simple reminder this morning. 

     I was in the kitchen and saw a couple large bags of birdseed on the counter and asked, "What are you going to do with all that birdseed?" And he said, "I'm putting it in the birdfeeder. The birds gotta eat." And two thoughts simultaneously crossed my mind... 1. I thought, I'm sure the birds will find their own food.... and 2. I thought, Matthew 6:25-34. 

     There is probably a long list of things my dad needs to do for work and around the house and I figured the last thing on his mind at any point in time would be to buy some birdseed. And then I thought about how sometimes we think of that with our Heavenly dad. 

     We think to ourselves, He's busy and I'm probably "last on his list" for him to provide for me. Others around us probably say to us "you have to find your own "birdseed" or find your own way of making your own luck or providing for yourself. 

     But whether the birds (or whether we) know it or not... our dad always thinks of us. He knows what we need and when we need it. He knows that "we gotta eat". And he'll provide for us. 

     Perhaps we are already being provided for, but need to be reminded that he still wants to bless us with even more!!! Just because he simply wants to. Because he not only loves us... but he likes us. 

     And to him... we are far more valuable than the birds. ♥