"Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it."
There were a few days where my mentor and I (and whoever else) would go on some photo walks around downtown Greenville. He let me borrow his 35mm SLR and Macro lens and I took a roll of just some close up objects along our walk. It was actually really fun to be able to not only use film for a change... but also to photograph a completely different subject than the usual.
I love photographing portraits... but I also love to paint. Shooting this roll gave me a chance to play with photography and to create something that could turn into a future painting (or several!)
I loved playing with the elements and principles of design just found in nature. Color, texture, line, shape, balance, repetition, harmony, contrast, etc. It made it even more fun that it was film and not digital... so I couldn't see the immediate result until I got the film developed :)